Tuesday, November 26, 2013


It was a wonderful week here in the Monkey class. We were thrilled with the amazing turnout of all our special guests at the Thanksgiving Feast! We also took the time to share with each other about the different blessings in our lives and what we are thankful for this week.  Speaking of blessings,  we would like to acknowledge what an amazing blessing it has been to have Miss. Martin as our student teacher. She has developed such a wonderful relationship with so many of the children. We are so thankful to have had her in our classroom the last 17 weeks! Hope everyone has a Wonderful Thanksgiving with your families.


Friday, November 22, 2013

Thanksgiving and Blessings

It has been a busy week in the Monkey Class preparing for our Thanksgiving Feast! We have been working hard to make placemats, centerpieces and special accessories for Monday. We are soooo EXCITED for you to join us on this special day. We can't wait to share our "Turkey Dinner" song!

Friday, November 15, 2013


We had a fun week dressing up like characters from our favorite fairytales. 
Miss. Martin helped us act out the story of  Goldilocks and the Three Bears!

We loved playing on our NEW Playground Equipment!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Firefighters and Fire Safety

Our Monkey friends had a blast pretending to be firefighters this week. They loved dressing up like firefighters, "driving" our class fire truck in the classroom and singing our firefighter song. We also had so much fun during our stop, drop and roll and "put the fire out" circle times. It was a wonderful week!
Monkey Friends singing our firefighter song on our class fire truck!

Monkey Friends to the Rescue!


 Monkey Friends working together to put that FIRE out!
Magic House Fun!

We had a Going Away Party for Miss. Edler!