Thursday, May 29, 2014

Monkey Friends

Participating in monkey activities and talking about why we love our monkey friends was a perfect way to end the school year: )
The kids really enjoyed singing and reading some of our favorite monkey songs and stories! 
 Monkey friends practicing "Five Little Monkeys" for the end of the year program. 
 Exploring our discovery bottles with real and fake flowers.
 Can you tell me why the flowers in the bottles are different?
 How are the flowers in the bottle similar? 

Happy Birthday!
 We read "Five Little Monkeys Wash the Car" and then had our own monkey car wash with shaving cream!

Thursday, May 22, 2014


 Friends sharing their letter soup cans.
 Monkeys jumping on the bed!

 Acting out the battle of Jericho

 Toothbrush Painting

 Hunt for lil Bo Peep's sheep!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Beauty Shop and Barber Shop

 It's been a great week talking about how God made us all special and unique! 
 We really enjoyed identifying different traits that we like about ourselves while looking in the mirror: )

 We worked on our scissor skills cutting yarn in the sensory table.
 We drew happy, sad, scared, mad and excited faces on different faces in our writing area.

 We made beautiful tissue paper flowers for our tree in the hall.

 We used wiki sticks to make self portraits.

 We made mirrors and painted with q tips to work on our fine motor muscles.

 Happy Birthday monkey friends: )