Thursday, August 28, 2014

All About Me

It's been a wonderful week learning more about all our new friends . We specifically talked about how God made each one of us special and unique!

We looked in the mirror and shared with friends something that  we like about ourselves.
We then sang the "I Am Special" song.

We worked hard on drawing self portraits in the writing center all week.

We put two pairs of eye stickers in our journals and drew self portraits.

Building ramps for cars in the block area.

Making faces with pasta, pom poms and plates in the sensory table.

We had fun dressing up and pretending to be mommies and daddies taking care of our babies in the dramatic play area.

Singing the alphabet with our letter chart and pointers.

We played Find Your Name at circle. 
We really had fun identifying our friends' names. 

Working hard finding Mm's in our M search. 
When we found an M we put a sticker on it.

We had an AWESOME week learning all about one another and that we are all SPECIAL!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Monkeys-week 2

We had another fun week learning about monkeys: )
We performed a science experiment with bananas to predict/guess what color the banana will turn as it ripens throughout the week! 

We used wiki sticks to decorate faces on the easel

We read Rumble in the Jungle and then took turns crawling through our Jungle Tunnel while acting like different animals that live in the jungle.

We peeled and squished/mashed a banana at circle time.
We each got a turn to squish/mash the banana.
We then used different words to describe what the squished/mashed banana felt like.

Happy Birthday, monkey friend!
Thanks for sharing yummy cupcakes...mmmm!
Jesus time with Mrs. Cari
We really enjoyed learning about Jesus healing a sick boy. 

Using dry erase boards in the writing center
Painting apples for our apple tree in the hallway.