Thursday, June 11, 2015

Under the Sea- Week 1

We LOVED exploring the soapy sea foam!

We also LOVED digging in the sand to find sea shells!

Making big and little ocean waves at circle time!

We talked about how fish have scales covering their body.  So we made fish scale prints using celery- the kids LOVED it!!

 We dodged the rain and still were able to enjoy Water Play FUN!!

After fun with the water, we POPPED lots of BUBBLES!!
Happy Birthday Monkey Friend:)

We made an ocean scene snack using graham crackers, gold fish and blue icing-YUMM!

Under the Sea- Week 2

We focused on the letter Bb this week.  We came up with a list of words that begin with the letter Bb and then we sorted big "B" and little "b"

This week, we talked a lot about different under the sea in particular was a crab!  So we made hand print crabs!  Check out our bulletin board outside the classroom:)

Water Day was a hit this week!  It was hot and the water was nice and refreshing!!

We read Mister Seahorse by Eric Carle this week.  We made very colorful seahorses using shaving cream and water colors.  The kids had to use a popsicle stick to remove the excess paint and shaving cream- this created a very cool marbled effect on the seahorses!! 
Oh what FUN we have here at preschool:)

The Monkey class visited the Summer Program kiddos to see what fun and exciting things they've been learning and exploring!