Thursday, February 26, 2015

Bears Week 2

 We acted out Brown Bear, Brown Bear!

 Felt board stories with Mrs. Melissa
Putting on a show about Brown Bear during centers time!
Our Monkey friends did great both listening as an audience and acting during our play!
 Working on our Little Bear Books at the Writing Center!
 Telling more stories with sequence cards!

 Reading Corduroy

Taking turns picking "Bb" items from "Corduroy's Pocket

 Happy Birthday, Monkey Friend!

 Vicar Dan acted out the Good Samaritan with us.

 We played a hibernation game pretending to be sleeping bears in our cave!

 We all woke up from hibernating in hopes that springtime is right around the corner!
 Parachute Fun with our Teddy Bears

Teddy Bear Picnic