Thursday, July 31, 2014


 It's been a great week talking about vacations. We kicked off the week making suitcases.
 Friends traveling with their suitcases in an airplane.

 Planes are taking off in our "airport" .
 We talked about different types of transportation used to get us to different vacation destinations.
 We drove cars, planes, trains, buses and boats on a map of the United States.

 Exploring different vacation pictures!

 We danced to music about airplanes. Look at us dancing with our "airplane wings"!

Working together to pain a monkey city.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Camping: Week 2

 We had a great time going on a nature hike.
 We loved exploring: )

 We read a story with our lantern and then took turns finding different camping and nature items.

We worked hard creating binoculars and had so much fun looking at one another with our binoculars on!

Thursday, July 17, 2014


   At Circle Time we listened to a camping story inside our tent with the lights off- FUN!

                                                      Our Smores snack was so yummy!!

      We did a great job making campfire art using tissue paper and sticks from outside!

                     Everyone worked really hard on their "painting with nature" artwork!

                 We sang songs and "roasted marshmallows" around our pretend campfire!