Thursday, April 30, 2015

Bugs Weeks 2

 Working together to make a class spider web
 making spiders

 Bug x-rays
 Bug symmetry at the writing center

Creating Bugs with our handwriting w/out tears lines and curves
 Wiggly Worm Circle time

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Swatting Flies and making the sound of the letter we find on our fly!

 Creating Fingerprint bug jars!

 Exploring and sorting bugs

 Acting out the battle of Jericho at Jesus time

 Making potato bugs 

 Bug x-rays on the light table

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


 Playing in the water table with frogs
 learning about the life cycle of the frog

 Blowing pom poms with straws on zig zags and straight lines

 Making frog books
 Acting out 5 speckled frogs

 Using big lines, little line, big curves and little curves to make faces and letters

 More of acting out 5 speckled frogs

Jumping on lily ponds in the pond